Monday, April 25, 2011

i'm sorry goodbye .

based on apa tittle kat atas ni mesti you all dah dapat agak kan apa yang i nak tulis, this is what we call life . i dah penat mencari , and bila i dah jumpa , ni yang i dapat .
in this situation , i tak salahkan sesape pon . i'm just try to make a right decision . i tau i bukan yang terbaik untuk you . tapi i dah tak sanggup nak continue our relation . kalau nak kawan kita boleh hidup seindah kawan , you cakap you just nak kawan , tapi you ask for more , that is not what we call friends . so before anything happen , i've decide that to not be your friend anymore . and it's just you, know why am i do this . i've explain you before . but i have to tell this . i am so happy to know you all this time , even though for a little time but i really really appreciate what you've done to me . i'm sorry for all wrongdoings since we meet , and a billion thanks for everything .

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